Engines / UDS Engines by part number / 01 - Engine [EV_ECM16TDI02103L906023GG 003009] / Measurement of compression pressure

Mark Model Control unit Diagnostic operation
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Part 1 of the order number
Control unit
Diagnostic operation
Diagnostic procedure

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Volkswagen workshop manuals for diagnostics

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- engine temperature > XX °C
- connect battery charger

connect with the control unit
XX - engine

XX - Basic settings

select item in drop-down menu: IDEXXXXX - Measurement of compression pressure X


In the Basic Settings window, click Measured values and select the items you want to visualize.

IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - Measurement of compression pressure X-N_CMP_TEST[X]
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - Measurement of compression pressure X-N_CMP_TEST[X]
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - Measurement of compression pressure X-N_CMP_TEST[X]
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - Measurement of compression pressure X-N_CMP_TEST[X]

TIP! For easier search in the menu, enter the code IDE, ENG or MAS into the "Filter" window

manual gearbox:
depress and hold: brake pedal + clutch pedal

automatic transmission:
depress and hold: brake pedal + accelerator pedal

XXs (engine does not Start)

pozorovat hodnoy:

IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - Measurement of compression pressure X-N_CMP_TEST[X]
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - Measurement of compression pressure X-N_CMP_TEST[X]
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - Measurement of compression pressure X-N_CMP_TEST[X]
IDEXXXXX-ENGXXXXXX - Measurement of compression pressure X-N_CMP_TEST[X]

record values measured in fields X - X. Add-up the values for the individual cylinders and divide by X, you thus get the average starting rpm. For example. (XXX+XXX+XXX+XXX)/X = XXX,XX. The values of the individual cylinders must not differ from the average starting rpm by more than X rpm. To increase precision, it is possible to repeat the test.

You are not logged! System works in DEMO mode only now where numbers are replaced with X characters. For 49 EUR only You will get access into full system. You can pay by credit card or bank transfer. Click BUY button for purchase and  You will get login to diagnostic procedures database imediatelly.

Volkswagen workshop manuals for diagnostics

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